Safeguarding (and medication)
The issue of safeguarding has never been more relevant. This covers areas as diverse and challenging as our pupil referral process to introducing enhanced physical safety measures. As a whole staff and as a leadership group, we are continually striving to enhance our safeguarding provision.
We have many safeguarding policies (please note that only a selection of policies have been uploaded to our website) of which our 'Child Protection and Safeguarding' is the fulcrum (and is also included in our 'Policies' section).
Mrs Green is the Designated Safeguarding Lead while Mrs Evans and Mrs Porter are the Deputy Safeguarding Leads; all of whom have recently undergone enhanced child protection training.
Medication - we will only administer medicine if the following form has been completed and returned to us. This applies to both prescription and over the counter mediciene.
Administration of Medicine Form
Food allergy information request form